You are a medical expert or an entrepreneur with social skills. You have the opportunity to represent White Cross international in your city or in your country with exclusivity agreement, it means we will give this role only to you if you are an active supporter and believe in the global expansion of the humanitarian White Cross Union. If we choose you, you will be appointed ambassador, and featured online in White Cross Union network, during events, in articles, pages or other public opportunities. As ambassador you will advocate change in your area together with us, and you will represent 100 years rescue & fraternity model “White Cross”. The title “AMBASSADOR” will be indicated on your uniform.
We might also want to enroll you as “ambassador legal representative” with registration at your local business register. You can choose if candidate yourself as ambassador for your city or for your nation. As national ambassador you will be allowed to connect with the city ambassadors. You will be the only one representative of White Cross in your country, however. As city ambassador, you will focus on your city or region. But you can travel to connect White Cross and the medical activities with other countries. A country has only 1 national ambassador but may have more city ambassadors to cover the main cities. The national ambassador is also volunteer coordinator of all cities and main speaker for the country. You can create events in your areas and White Cross Union might support and promote your events as much as possible according to calendar, available volunteers and finances. As ambassador you get also special invitations and you will be featured and called “country speaker”. If you don’t think you are the right person for such activism as ambassador, you may want to choose the figure of the sponsor (see below). If you want to be ambassador, follow the instructions here, provide your ambassador base contribution (if you want to contribute more we will invest more resources on you and reward you with more rescue points) and we will contact you asap.
If you are a medical professional, corporate representative in medical/pharma industry, or entrepreneur in any industry, you can support White Cross Union. We will make good word of your business, global reputation and symbols. In this case, after payment of your sponsorship, we will feature you in White Cross Union network. Not only, we will also candidate your best business video, or advertising, to one of our sponsor´s channel “Smart&Digitalcities Network”: Directors TV 24, STARTUPTV24, Female Founders TV, RealEstate TV 24, Investors TV 24, Webinars Television, B2BALTIC Television and the new White Cross TV.
If you want to be a geek and business sponsor, then receive an invoice, please send in advance to LHV Bank, Tallinn (Estonia, EU) IBAN: EE497700771007820295 Swift-Code LHVBEE22 at least 350 EUR. After receiving your contribution, we will contact you to define your features in the White Cross Union, and our professional volunteers will study your case. Sponsorship requires a contribution of at least 1000 EUR as written in the association´s regulations. If you contribute at least 1500 EUR the new media channel of White Cross TV will interview you or create a video-content for your activity, elaborate, cut and adapt. If you sponsor our social activities with at least 2000 EUR, we will send a nice present to you or to one of your best clients via courier.
Helping others can definitely help your business! Think tank! Questions?
No worries, no jokes. if we don´t approve you, we will return the full amount paid for ambassador/sponsor (less 10 Eur for your base membership). Or you can donate your membership and an amount as you wish. Please support White Cross Union NGO!
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